Laptop Store Service Center Jayanagar:
15,11 TH Main Road,3 rd Block East,Jayanagar
Opp To Kazhana Jewellery|Near Cosmopolitan Club
Cell No:08041230203,9611615720,9035800154
Broken Laptop Panel Reworking:
Lenovo Laptops Broken Laptop Panel ReworkingIf in case your Lenovo laptop damaged don't worry
about it, any kind of damage like plastic panel fully broken or hinges(metal moving part in laptop)broken
can be serviced here.if you feel your Lenovo laptop look like very old one, don't worry about it,we do
the best painting work in your laptop. your laptop appearance will change its look like new one. And if
you need to change the color of your laptop into your 's favorite color in your laptop we will do that